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City of GreenacresPermits Powered by Tyler Technologies


The Building Department will be closed Monday February 17th in observance of Presidents’ Day.  No inspections will be scheduled for this day.  

To schedule inspections for Tuesday February 18th you must request before 3:00 pm on Friday February 14th.

Welcome to the City of Greenacres ePermit system. You may now search permit and inspection records as well as permit application status through the “Public Information Search”.

 A search of older records may not be available through the online portal and will require further research through our Laserfiche system. 

For further records search contact the Building Department at 561-642-2062.  

Contractors may schedule, pay, and search permit records through the ePermit system once their account is activated. Contractors must be registered with the City of Greenacres and have their city license number to create an account. To obtain your license number or information on registering, please contact the Building Department at 561-642-2059.

Inspection scheduling hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  If a Notice of Commencement (NOC) is required please be sure the certified copy has been submitted to the Building Department before your request to avoid any delays or cancellations. Submit to:


Contractor Access

Inspection Scheduling Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.Inspection requests will be accepted by the Building Department until 4:00 p.m. for the next business day. Inspections requested after 4:00 p.m. will NOT be scheduled and a new request is required.

Activate Account - Contractors who are already registered with the city may activate their account online.

Forgot Username - If you have already activated your account but have forgotten your username, simply click here to retrieve it.

Forgot Password - If you have already activated your account but have forgotten your password, simply click here to reset it.

For Technical Support contact 561-642-2059

Resident Access

Resident Access is for Owner/Builder's only for payment to their approved permit. E-mail: once payment is made, then your permit will then be e-mail to you. Please only make payment for permits you have been notified or received an invoice from the City of Greenacres to assure all fees have been included and permit is ready for payment.


Public Information Search

Helpful Search Hints: You must search by either the Permit Type & Number OR Service Address, not both. Applications in review can only be searched by service address. Searching by permit number can only be used once the application has been approved. For assistance with records search not available online contact the Building Department at 561-642-2059.